LXVIII – My Ever Growing Prejudice

Disclaimer: apart from the first (titled 'Visiting Grandma'), all photos were taken with my ‘glowing screen’ 9 August 2016, Altura, Portugal Last night, and for the first time in more than 300 days, Cat and I went out for a drink as a couple. It was refreshing to ‘remember how to forget’ the kids for … Continue reading LXVIII – My Ever Growing Prejudice

What are we doing to our Children?, post by ‘The Minimalist Souls’

A great post from The Minimalist Souls, on a subject I had started to write about, but failed miserably when compared against these words. I can personally relate to most of what is written: "All my childhood memories have been saturated with memories of playing outside with my brother and sister and many neighborhood friends. I … Continue reading What are we doing to our Children?, post by ‘The Minimalist Souls’