XLVII – “Year 1” Green Resolutions

“(…) but we must cultivate our garden” - Voltaire “Year 0” was the year where new habits were implemented, relevant questions asked and a lot of action taken. The year we put our money where our mouth was and started living more meaningfully in line with our proclaimed values and priorities. “Year 0” was the … Continue reading XLVII – “Year 1” Green Resolutions

What are we doing to our Children?, post by ‘The Minimalist Souls’

A great post from The Minimalist Souls, on a subject I had started to write about, but failed miserably when compared against these words. I can personally relate to most of what is written: "All my childhood memories have been saturated with memories of playing outside with my brother and sister and many neighborhood friends. I … Continue reading What are we doing to our Children?, post by ‘The Minimalist Souls’